A true gentleman and a scholar! Truer words were never spoken of our beloved Mr. MacTavish, our Scottie who respected everyone he met, and who “read” every post, statue and blade of grass on his walks. The only thing missing was his top hat and monocle!!
Mr. MacTavish came into our lives, with his companion of three years, Sallie Sue, the love of his life. It was Good Friday in 2007, when they bounced into our lives brought by their beloved rescuer Debby Knous. What a lively pair they made, one was never far from the other, and they loved to team up on us for requests.
They could not have been more opposite in their styles, Sallie gregarious, outgoing, ready to conquer the world, Mac reserved, patient and never too demanding. But together they made a great pair. Alas, Sallie Sue crossed the rainbow bridge in 2015, after a three-year battle with bladder cancer.
Mac continued on with the being the sole benefactor of our love and attention. He loved to cuddle up on the couch for a good nap and movie on a rainy Saturday afternoon with some “Trader Joe’s Charlies” while his guardians munched on popcorn. On a warm Saturday morning, he would enjoy his walks in the Presidio reading sign posts and greeting fellow walkers and their four-legged companions. Yes, almost every place we went – he went, he loved all the stores that allow dogs, he loved being the center of attention and most of all he loved being the one who captured our hearts. After having been told more than a few times he was the “George Clooney” of Scotties, he would look up and just smile and move along his merry way.
On October 1, a week shy of his 15th birthday, he crossed over the rainbow bridge, after having been diagnosed with bone cancer, which he finally succumbed too. He will be missed by everyone who met him, but especially by us, who were lucky enough to be his guardians while on this planet called earth.
Rest in peace little man, we miss and love you very much.