

For many years, Scottish Terrier owners, breeders and lovers throughout Northern California and points north and east, have informally gathered together to exchange  experiences and renew old friendships. Sometimes these “get togethers” were possible because of a show that was held near an exhibitors house. At other times, individuals  formed group parties and social events.

Underlying all of these activities has been the kinship and spirit to share with all in the promotion of the Scottish Terrier. As the enthusiasm and zeal of the group increased, it became more and more apparent that there has to be an organized program of objectives and that all who desired should be advised of proposed programs and have an opportunity to share collectively in  formulation of objectives. From this desire to organize, the Scottish Terrier Club of The Golden West was inaugurated on II February 1967. Interim officers were elected by those present, and considerations were given to temporary financial arrangements pending formal development and approval of the club constitution and by-laws.

Of paramount importance to our club is the timeliness and manner in which all members are kept abreast of club activities, pending shows, new developments from national  groups, specialized data on Scottish Terriers and owners, and in general, new items about members and social events. Discussions with active members and leaders of other dog clubs and advise from experienced and professional dog club advisors indicated  that a regularly scheduled bulletin or newsletter is the best way to keep all members and  potential members fully advised. This is our first edition and since the Newsletter is meant for everyone, your comments and recommendations are earnestly solicited.

Our vote of thanks to Mr. John DeSaye for his voluntary efforts in this our first publication.

John Baird
Interim President


The Scottish Terrier Club of the Golden West was inaugurated on February 11, 1967 for the purpose of organizing breed fanciers into the Club.

Founding Members  
John and Helen Baird
Mildred Charves
Celia Desmond
John & Barbara DeSaye
Gerald & Marjory Meeder
Sue Owens
Charles & Betty Pengra
Fred & Lee Politz
Gilbert and Neatha Robinson

Within the two following months of the inauguration date the membership grew and the following became the Scottish Terrier Club of the Golden West Charter Members.

Fred & Mona Banuelos
James & Jane BraciscoRobert CharvesJon Coleman
Brum & Barbara Dunham
Mel Fertado
James Hohe
Ken & Betty McArthur
Pepe & Irma Molina
Ann Pengra
Beaulah & Josephine White

With our Constitution in order we requested AKC Approval and were advised that our name “The Scottish Terrier Club of the Golden West was not specific as to defining an area. In May of 1969, we became the San Francisco Bay Scottish Terrier Club and were finally sanctioned by the American Kennel Club and our parent club. The Scottish Terrier Club of America.

Our first sanctioned match was held on October 18, 1969, sadly, the following month our President John Baird died suddenly. A memorial trophy is offered in his name at our Annual Fun Match .

During this growing period as a new Regional Club, we had a decisively growing membership. We owe much to the many members who contributed so much and particularly to those who remain actlve….How many can remember that Bill McCool has been a fulltime bartender at our Specialties since 1974?, and how about Izzie who not only served as Secretary and Treasurer, but as our Bulletin Editor for 13+ years! Both still continue to give their support. Then there is Jerry and Peggy Burge who came into our club with a poodle, and a scottie! Both have served in almost every capacity. Peggy has been an officer or director the past twenty years, and has served as President for the,longest successive term ever. Certainly there have been many who have contributed throughout the years, but sadly only a few remain.

Finally in 1974 we were approved to bold our first specialty show. Was it successful? An entry of 95 in Regular classes and 29 in Sweeps!!!, at that time one of the largest entries for Scotties at any regional show. There were 125 guests at our banquet, excitement was running so high that when President Ken McArthur welcomed our guests the enthusiasm for the Club’s initial success was such that there was a prolonged standing ovation. The  achievement attained by our club at this our first specialty prompted an article in the Gazette proclaiming the hospitality of the SFBSTC. A reputation we still uphold.

We are proud of the other achievements by members of the San Francisco Bay Scottish  Terrier Club. We have produced five members who have served as Officers and Directors of our Parent Club, the S.T.C.A.

Peggy Burge, Cor. Secretary – Sandra Lehrack, Board member – Betty McArthur, President – Isabelle McCool, Cor. Secretary and Ann Wooldridge, Board member, Jerry  Burge – Vice President

Our Club, as all Scottish Terrier Clubs have been very involved in Scottie Rescue, Health Projects and in the education of newcomers to the breed. Our Rescue Chair Debby Knous has worked diligently in the placement and care of the many Rescues we acquire. We continue to hold annual B Matches and Grooming seminars along with many other activities .

We are confident that when we celebrate our fiftieth, our new members will have carried on this tradition of educating new members to breed quality purebred Scottish Terriers, to  encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and obedience trials, to continue to support health research activities, but most importantly to love our wonderful Scottish Terriers .


 John Baird   1967-1969
Neatha Robinson   1969-1970
Gilbert Robinson   1970-1972
Betty Pengra   1972-1974
Ken McArthur   1974-1975
Jerry Burge   1975-1976
Gordon Ervin   1976-1978
Ann Wooldridge   1978-1980
Betty McArthur   1980-1982
Ken Spradling   1982-1984
Fred Koch   1984-1986
Peggy Burge   1986-1990
Karey Leichel   1990-1991
Michael Serrano   1991-1993
Jerry Burge   1993-1995
Roger Clarkson   1995-1997
Joseph Pendon   1997-1999
Peggy Burge   1999-2001
Ross Buffington   2001-2003
Roger Clarkson   2003-2004
Michael Serrano   2004-2006
Jerry Burge   2006-2007
Elizabeth Wise   2007-2009
Betty McArthur   2009-2012
Jerry Burge   2012-2017
Betty McArthur   2017-2019

Jerry Burge                                                                         2019-2020

James Nolte                                                                       2020-2021